Convert Milliampere to Microampere

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   Milliampere (mA) =    Microampere (µA)

What is Milliampere ?

A Milliampere (symbol: mA) is a unit of electric current used to measure the flow of electric charge in a circuit. It is a subunit of the ampere (A), which is the standard unit of electric current in the International System of Units (SI).

Breakdown of the Term:
  1. "Milli": The prefix "milli" means one-thousandth (1/1,000) of the base unit. So, 1 milliampere is equal to 0.001 amperes.

  2. "Ampere": An ampere (A) is the base unit for measuring electric current. It represents the amount of electric charge flowing through a conductor per second.

Understanding Milliampere:
  • 1 mA = 0.001 A: This means that a milliampere is a smaller unit of current, one-thousandth of an ampere. It is used to measure currents that are more substantial than microamperes but still much smaller than those typically used in household appliances.

  • Practical Examples:

    • Batteries: Small batteries, like those in smartphones or remote controls, often supply currents in the milliampere range.
    • LEDs: Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) usually operate with currents of about 10 to 20 milliamperes to produce light.
    • Portable Devices: Many portable electronic devices, such as wearables, operate with currents in the milliampere range to extend battery life.
In Summary:

A milliampere is a unit of electric current that is one-thousandth of an ampere. It is commonly used to measure small to moderate currents in various electronic devices and circuits, where the current is more substantial than microamperes but still smaller than the currents used in larger electrical appliances.

What is Microampere ?

A Microampere (symbol: µA) is a unit of electric current that measures the flow of electric charge in a circuit. It is a subunit of the ampere (A), which is the standard unit of electric current in the International System of Units (SI).

Breakdown of the Term:
  1. "Micro": The prefix "micro" indicates that the unit is one millionth (1/1,000,000) of the base unit. So, 1 microampere is equal to 0.000001 amperes.

  2. "Ampere": An ampere (A) is the base unit for measuring electric current. It represents the amount of charge that flows through a conductor in one second.

Understanding Microampere:
  • 1 µA = 0.000001 A: This means that a microampere is a very small amount of current. To give you a sense of scale, typical household electrical appliances use currents in the range of amperes (A), while microamperes are often used to measure tiny currents in delicate electronic devices, sensors, or circuits.

  • Practical Examples:

    • Sensors: Many sensitive electronic components, like sensors in medical devices or environmental monitors, operate with currents in the microampere range.
    • Low-Power Devices: Devices like pacemakers or tiny communication chips often work with microampere-level currents because they require very little energy.
In Summary:

A microampere is a unit of electric current that is one millionth of an ampere. It is used to measure very small currents, which are common in precise electronic circuits and devices.

List of ElectricCurrent conversion units
Ampere Microampere Milliampere Kiloampere Megaampere Gigaampere Teraampere Petaampere Exaampere