Microohm Conversion

A Microohm is a unit of electrical resistance that is one-millionth of an ohm. The prefix "micro-" means "one-millionth," so 1 microohm (written as μΩ\mu \Omega) equals 0.0000010.000001 ohms or 1×1061 \times 10^{-6} ohms.

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   Microohm (µΩ) =    Ohm (Ω)

What is Microohm ?

A Microohm is a unit of electrical resistance that is one-millionth of an ohm. The prefix "micro-" means "one-millionth," so 1 microohm (written as μΩ\mu \Omega) equals 0.0000010.000001 ohms or 1×1061 \times 10^{-6} ohms.

To understand this better:

  • Ohm: The ohm is the standard unit for measuring resistance, which indicates how much a material resists the flow of electric current.
  • Microohm: A microohm is used to measure very small levels of resistance, much smaller than an ohm. For example, certain materials like metals that conduct electricity very well might have resistances measured in microohms.
Practical Example:

Consider a thick copper wire used in electrical power lines. Copper is an excellent conductor with very low resistance, which is often measured in microohms. If a section of this wire has a resistance of 5 microohms, it means it offers a very small amount of resistance to the current flowing through it.


Imagine you have a wide, smooth pipe for water to flow through, where the water encounters almost no resistance. In this analogy:

  • Ohm would represent a small but noticeable obstacle in the pipe, slowing the water down a bit.
  • Microohm would represent an obstacle so tiny that the water hardly notices it at all—it flows almost freely.

In summary, a microohm is a unit of resistance used to measure extremely small resistances in materials that are very good conductors of electricity. It’s one-millionth of an ohm, making it a very precise measure for low-resistance materials.

List of Resistance conversion units
Ohm Microohm Milliohm Kiloohm Megaohm