Microvolt Conversion

Microvolt (µV) is a unit of electric potential difference that is equal to one-millionth of a volt. In other words, 1 microvolt is 0.000001 volts, or 10610^{-6} volts. The prefix "micro-" indicates a factor of one-millionth.

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   Microvolt (μV) =    Volt (V)

What is Microvolt ?

Microvolt (µV) is a unit of electric potential difference that is equal to one-millionth of a volt. In other words, 1 microvolt is 0.000001 volts, or 10610^{-6} volts. The prefix "micro-" indicates a factor of one-millionth.

Detailed Explanation:
  1. What is a Microvolt?
    A microvolt measures very small electric potential differences, making it useful for detecting and describing tiny voltages that occur in certain scientific, medical, and technological contexts. For example, it can be used to measure the electrical activity in the human brain or to detect weak signals in sensitive electronic devices.

  2. Relationship to Volt:

    • 1 Microvolt (µV) = 0.000001 Volts (1/1,000,000 of a Volt)
    • It takes 1,000,000 microvolts to make up 1 volt.
  3. Usage in Real-World Applications:

    • Medical Applications: In fields like neurology, microvolts are used to measure the tiny electrical signals in the brain. Electroencephalograms (EEGs) record brain activity in microvolts, which are essential for diagnosing and studying conditions such as epilepsy.
    • Electronics: Microvolts are used to measure low-level signals in sensitive electronic equipment like sensors, amplifiers, and communication devices. For example, radio receivers can detect signals that are just a few microvolts in strength.
    • Research: In scientific research, especially in physics and engineering, microvolt measurements help study small electrical phenomena that can't be detected with larger volt measurements.
  4. Comparison to Everyday Voltage Levels:
    The voltage in a standard household electrical outlet is around 120 volts (or 230 volts in many countries). In contrast, a microvolt is so small that it represents a tiny fraction of these everyday voltages. This highlights how microvolts are used for highly specialized applications requiring sensitive detection of minute electric potentials.

  5. Example to Illustrate:
    Imagine a standard AA battery, which typically provides about 1.5 volts. A microvolt is one-millionth of that, so it's as if you took that AA battery's voltage and divided it into one million tiny parts – each part would be a microvolt. This shows how small a unit the microvolt is, suitable for measuring very faint electrical signals.


A microvolt is a unit of measurement used for very small electric potential differences, equal to one-millionth of a volt. It is essential in fields where detecting tiny voltages is crucial, such as in medical diagnostics (e.g., brainwave monitoring), sensitive electronic devices, and scientific research. The use of microvolts allows for precise measurements of electrical activity at very low levels, which are often undetectable with larger voltage scales.

List of Voltage conversion units
Volt Microvolt Millivolt Kilovolt Megavolt Gigavolt Teravolt Petavolt Exavolt