Convert Arc second to Arc minute

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   Arc second (arcsec) =    Arc minute (arcmin)

What is Arc second ?

An Arcsecond (also written as arc second or abbreviated as ) is a very small unit of angle measurement used in fields like astronomy, navigation, and geodesy (the study of Earth's shape). It helps measure extremely tiny angles, especially when observing distant objects like stars or when needing high precision in mapping.

Understanding an Arcsecond

To understand what an arcsecond is, we need to start with the concept of a degree:

  • A degree (°) is a way of measuring angles, where a full circle is 360 degrees.
  • Each degree is further divided into 60 minutes (not to be confused with time minutes). These are called arcminutes.
  • Each arcminute is then divided into 60 arcseconds.

So, an arcsecond is 1/60th of an arcminute and 1/3600th of a degree.

Key Facts About Arcseconds
  • Tiny Angle:
    • Since an arcsecond is such a small angle, it's used for very precise measurements. For instance, 1 arcsecond is equal to 1/3600th of a degree.
  • Relation to Degrees:
    • 1 arcsecond = 1/3600th of a degree.
    • 1 arcminute = 60 arcseconds.
  • Practical Uses:
    • Astronomy: Astronomers use arcseconds to measure the positions and sizes of stars, planets, and other celestial objects in the sky. For example, the apparent size of a distant star might be just a few arcseconds across.
    • Geodesy: When mapping the Earth, precise locations might be given in degrees, minutes, and seconds to ensure accuracy.
Visualizing an Arcsecond

Visualizing an arcsecond can be challenging because it’s so small. Here's a way to think about it:

  • Imagine you’re looking at a clock face from a distance of 1 kilometer (0.6 miles). The angle that the width of a coin held at arm’s length would cover from that distance is roughly 1 arcsecond.

Another way to understand it:

  • If you divided a full circle (360°) into 1.3 million equal parts, each part would be about 1 arcsecond.
Practical Example

In astronomy, if you were observing the sky, the distance between two stars that are very close together might be just a few arcseconds. If a telescope can resolve details down to 1 arcsecond, it can distinguish two stars that are this close to each other.

  • An arcsecond is a very small unit of angle measurement, equal to 1/3600th of a degree.
  • It’s used in fields requiring precise angular measurements, like astronomy and geodesy.
  • There are 60 arcseconds in an arcminute and 3600 arcseconds in a degree.
  • Arcseconds help measure extremely tiny angles, making them essential for observing distant objects or mapping locations with high precision.

Understanding arcseconds is crucial for working in fields that involve very precise measurements of angles, especially when dealing with objects that are far away or when exact positioning is needed.

What is Arc minute ?

An Arc minute (also written as arcminute) is a unit of angular measurement that is used to describe very small angles. To understand it better, let's break down the concept:

What is an Angle?

An angle is the amount of rotation or turning between two straight lines that meet at a common point called the vertex. Angles are measured in degrees (°), and a full circle has 360 degrees.

What is an Arc Minute?
  • Arc Minute: An arc minute is 1/60th of a degree. Since a degree is already a small unit of measurement, an arc minute is even smaller. It is used when we need to measure angles that are too small to be conveniently expressed in whole degrees.

    • Imagine a circle divided into 360 equal slices, each slice represents one degree.
    • Now, if you further divide each of those 360 slices into 60 smaller parts, each of those smaller parts is one arc minute.
Practical Example

Arc minutes are commonly used in fields like astronomy, navigation, and optics, where precise measurements of angles are required. For example:

  • In astronomy, when measuring the apparent size of celestial objects (like the Moon or planets), their size might be described in degrees, arc minutes, and even smaller units like arc seconds.

An arc minute is typically represented by a single prime symbol (′). So, 5 arc minutes can be written as 5′.

  • 1 Degree = 60 Arc Minutes
  • 1 Arc Minute = 1/60th of a Degree

In essence, an arc minute is a very small part of a degree, useful for measuring tiny angles accurately.

List of Angle conversion units
Degree Radian Milliradian Microradian Gradian Revolution Arc minute Arc second Milliarcsecond Microarcsecond