Convert Milliradian to Milliarcsecond

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   Milliradian (mrad) =    Milliarcsecond (mas)

What is Milliradian ?

A Milliradian, often abbreviated as mrad or simply mil, is a unit of angle measurement that is commonly used in fields like ballistics, optics, and surveying. It’s a smaller subdivision of the radian, which is the standard unit for measuring angles in mathematics and engineering.

Understanding a Milliradian

To grasp what a milliradian is, let's first briefly review what a radian is:

  • A radian measures an angle by comparing the length of an arc (a part of a circle’s edge) to the radius of the circle. When the arc length equals the radius, the angle formed is 1 radian.

Now, a milliradian is simply one-thousandth (1/1000) of a radian. This small unit allows for very precise measurements of angles.

Key Facts About Milliradians
  • Relation to Radians:

    • Since 1 milliradian is 1/1000th of a radian, there are 1000 milliradians in a single radian.
    • Since there are 2π radians in a full circle, there are approximately 6283 milliradians in a full circle (2π × 1000 ≈ 6283).
  • Converting Milliradians to Degrees:

    • Since 1 radian equals approximately 57.3 degrees, 1 milliradian is about 0.0573 degrees (because 57.3°/1000 ≈ 0.0573°).
    • To convert milliradians to degrees, you multiply the number of milliradians by 0.0573.
  • Common Uses:

    • Ballistics and Shooting: In long-range shooting, milliradians are used to adjust scopes. For instance, if a scope is adjusted by 1 mil, it changes the point of impact by 1 meter at 1000 meters.
    • Surveying: Surveyors use milliradians for precise angular measurements over large distances.
    • Artillery and Military: Milliradians help calculate angles for targeting and positioning equipment.
Visualizing Milliradians

Imagine standing 1000 meters away from a target. If you shift your view by 1 milliradian, the target appears to move by 1 meter at that distance. This precision is why milliradians are so useful in activities requiring exact aiming and measurement over long distances.

Practical Example

In a rifle scope, if you see a target 1000 meters away, and you need to aim slightly higher to hit it due to gravity, you might adjust your scope by a few milliradians. Each milliradian adjustment moves the point of impact by 1 meter at that distance.

  • A milliradian is a unit of angle measurement that is 1/1000th of a radian.
  • It’s a very small angle, approximately equal to 0.0573 degrees.
  • Milliradians are widely used in fields requiring precise angular measurements, such as shooting, surveying, and military applications.
  • A full circle has about 6283 milliradians.

Understanding milliradians is essential for activities that require high precision in measuring small angles over long distances.

What is Milliarcsecond ?

A Milliarcsecond (often abbreviated as mas) is an extremely small unit of angular measurement. It is used to describe very tiny angles, especially in fields like astronomy where precision is crucial. To understand a milliarcsecond, let's break down the concept:

What is an Angle?

An angle is the space between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet, measured in degrees (°). A full circle is 360 degrees.

Smaller Units of Angle
  • Degree: A degree is a standard unit of angular measurement.
  • Arc Minute: One degree is divided into 60 smaller parts called arc minutes (′).
  • Arc Second: Each arc minute is further divided into 60 arc seconds (″).
  • Milliarcsecond: An arc second can be divided into 1,000 even smaller parts, and each of these tiny parts is called a milliarcsecond.
What is a Milliarcsecond?
  • Milliarcsecond: A milliarcsecond is 1/1,000th of an arc second. Since an arc second is already a very tiny angle, a milliarcsecond is incredibly small.

    • To visualize, imagine a full circle:
      • Divide the circle into 360 degrees.
      • Each degree is divided into 60 arc minutes.
      • Each arc minute is divided into 60 arc seconds.
      • Finally, each arc second is divided into 1,000 milliarcseconds.

    This means a milliarcsecond is 1/3,600,000th of a degree.


A milliarcsecond is represented by the abbreviation mas.

Practical Example

In astronomy, milliarcseconds are used to measure the positions and distances of stars, planets, and other celestial objects with incredible precision. For example, when astronomers measure the slight movement of a star due to the gravitational pull of an orbiting planet, they often use milliarcseconds to describe these tiny shifts.

  • 1 Degree = 3,600,000 Milliarcseconds
  • 1 Milliarcsecond = 1/3,600,000th of a Degree

In essence, a milliarcsecond is an extremely fine measurement of an angle, used in situations where precision down to tiny fractions of a degree is necessary.

List of Angle conversion units
Degree Radian Milliradian Microradian Gradian Revolution Arc minute Arc second Milliarcsecond Microarcsecond