Convert Revolution to Arc minute

Simple, fast and user-friendly online tool to convert Revolution to Arc minute ( rev to arcmin ) vice-versa and other Angle related units. Learn and share how to convert Revolution to Arc minute ( rev to arcmin ). Click to expand short unit definition.

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   Revolution (rev) =    Arc minute (arcmin)

What is Revolution ?

A Revolution is a unit of angle measurement that describes a complete turn or rotation around a central point. It’s used to measure how much something has rotated or turned in a full circle.

Understanding a Revolution

Imagine you’re standing in the middle of a circle and you start turning. If you turn all the way around and end up facing the same direction you started from, you’ve completed one revolution. This is the same as making a full 360-degree turn.

Key Facts About Revolutions
  • Full Circle:

    • 1 revolution equals one full turn, which is the same as 360 degrees (360°).
    • 1 revolution also equals 2π radians (since a full circle in radians is 2π).
    • 1 revolution equals 400 gradians (because a full circle is 400 gradians).
  • Fractional Revolutions:

    • Half a revolution is a half-circle or a turn of 180 degrees.
    • Quarter of a revolution is a quarter-circle or a turn of 90 degrees.
  • Common Uses:

    • Rotational Motion: Revolutions are commonly used to describe the number of times an object rotates, such as wheels, gears, or planets.
    • Engineering and Physics: In mechanics, revolutions per minute (RPM) is a standard way to measure the rotational speed of engines and machinery.
    • Cycling and Sports: The number of times a cyclist’s pedals complete a full turn can be counted in revolutions.
Visualizing Revolutions

Picture a clock’s second hand moving around the face of the clock:

  • As it moves from the 12 all the way around back to the 12, it completes 1 revolution.
  • If it only goes from the 12 to the 6, it completes half a revolution.
Practical Example

If you spin a toy top, each full spin it makes is one revolution. If the top spins quickly, it might make several revolutions in just a few seconds. If you’re calculating how fast it’s spinning, you might say it’s making a certain number of revolutions per minute (RPM).

  • A revolution is a unit of angle measurement that represents a full 360-degree turn.
  • 1 revolution equals 360 degrees, 2π radians, or 400 gradians.
  • Revolutions are used to describe complete rotations in various fields, including engineering, physics, and everyday activities.

Understanding revolutions is essential when dealing with rotating objects or systems, making it a key concept in both everyday life and technical fields.

What is Arc minute ?

An Arc minute (also written as arcminute) is a unit of angular measurement that is used to describe very small angles. To understand it better, let's break down the concept:

What is an Angle?

An angle is the amount of rotation or turning between two straight lines that meet at a common point called the vertex. Angles are measured in degrees (°), and a full circle has 360 degrees.

What is an Arc Minute?
  • Arc Minute: An arc minute is 1/60th of a degree. Since a degree is already a small unit of measurement, an arc minute is even smaller. It is used when we need to measure angles that are too small to be conveniently expressed in whole degrees.

    • Imagine a circle divided into 360 equal slices, each slice represents one degree.
    • Now, if you further divide each of those 360 slices into 60 smaller parts, each of those smaller parts is one arc minute.
Practical Example

Arc minutes are commonly used in fields like astronomy, navigation, and optics, where precise measurements of angles are required. For example:

  • In astronomy, when measuring the apparent size of celestial objects (like the Moon or planets), their size might be described in degrees, arc minutes, and even smaller units like arc seconds.

An arc minute is typically represented by a single prime symbol (′). So, 5 arc minutes can be written as 5′.

  • 1 Degree = 60 Arc Minutes
  • 1 Arc Minute = 1/60th of a Degree

In essence, an arc minute is a very small part of a degree, useful for measuring tiny angles accurately.

List of Angle conversion units
Degree Radian Milliradian Microradian Gradian Revolution Arc minute Arc second Milliarcsecond Microarcsecond