Convert British thermal unit to Calorie

Simple, fast and user-friendly online tool to convert British thermal unit to Calorie ( BTU to cal ) vice-versa and other Energy related units. Learn and share how to convert British thermal unit to Calorie ( BTU to cal ). Click to expand short unit definition.

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   British thermal unit (BTU) =    Calorie (cal)
BritishThermalUnit Conversion Table
British thermal unit(BTU) to Joule (J) = 1 Joule (J)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Kilojoule (kJ) = 1 Kilojoule (kJ)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Calorie (cal) = 1 Calorie (cal)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Kilocalorie (kcal) = 1 Kilocalorie (kcal)
British thermal unit(BTU) to KilowattHour (kWh) = 1 KilowattHour (kWh)
British thermal unit(BTU) to British thermal unit (BTU) = 1 British thermal unit (BTU)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Erg (erg) = 1 Erg (erg)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Foot pound (ft-lb) = 1 Foot pound (ft-lb)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Electron volt (eV) = 1 Electron volt (eV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Decielectron volt (deV) = 1 Decielectron volt (deV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Centielectron volt (ceV) = 1 Centielectron volt (ceV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Millielectron volt (meV) = 1 Millielectron volt (meV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Microelectron volt (µeV) = 1 Microelectron volt (µeV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Nanoelectron volt (neV) = 1 Nanoelectron volt (neV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Picoelectron volt (peV) = 1 Picoelectron volt (peV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Femtoelectron volt (feV) = 1 Femtoelectron volt (feV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Attoelectron volt (aV) = 1 Attoelectron volt (aV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Zeptoelectron volt (zeV) = 1 Zeptoelectron volt (zeV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Yoctoelectron volt (yV) = 1 Yoctoelectron volt (yV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Decaelectron volt (daV) = 1 Decaelectron volt (daV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Hectoelectron volt (heV) = 1 Hectoelectron volt (heV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Kiloelectron volt (KeV) = 1 Kiloelectron volt (KeV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Megaelectron volt (MeV) = 1 Megaelectron volt (MeV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Gigaelectron volt (GeV) = 1 Gigaelectron volt (GeV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Teraelectron volt (TeV) = 1 Teraelectron volt (TeV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Petaelectron volt (PeV) = 1 Petaelectron volt (PeV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Exaelectron volt (EeV) = 1 Exaelectron volt (EeV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Zettaelectron volt (zeV) = 1 Zettaelectron volt (zeV)
British thermal unit(BTU) to Yottaelectron volt (YeV) = 1 Yottaelectron volt (YeV)

What is British thermal unit ?

A British Thermal Unit (BTU) is a unit of energy commonly used to measure the amount of heat. It tells you how much heat energy is needed to raise the temperature of a specific amount of water.

Understanding BTUs in Simple Terms:
  1. What is a BTU?:

    • A British Thermal Unit is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. This unit is primarily used in the United States to describe heating and cooling systems, like furnaces, air conditioners, and heaters.
  2. Everyday Example:

    • Imagine you have a cup of water that weighs about one pound. If you want to heat that water from 59°F to 60°F, you would need one BTU of heat energy to do that.
  3. BTUs in Appliances:

    • When you look at air conditioners or heaters, their capacity is often measured in BTUs. For instance, an air conditioner with a rating of 10,000 BTUs can remove 10,000 BTUs of heat from a room in one hour. Similarly, a heater with a rating of 30,000 BTUs can produce 30,000 BTUs of heat per hour.
  4. BTUs in Cooking:

    • BTUs are also used to describe the power of gas stoves. A stove burner that produces 10,000 BTUs per hour is capable of generating a lot of heat quickly, making it suitable for tasks like boiling water or searing meat.
Key Points:
  • Heat Measurement: A BTU measures how much heat energy is needed to change the temperature of water.
  • Practical Uses: BTUs help you understand the heating or cooling power of appliances like air conditioners, heaters, and stoves.

In summary, a British Thermal Unit (BTU) is a way to measure heat energy. It’s a useful unit for understanding how much energy is needed to heat things up, especially in the context of heating, cooling, and cooking appliances.

What is Calorie ?

A Calorie is a unit of energy, commonly used to measure the energy content in food and drink. When you hear about calories in your diet, it refers to how much energy your body can get from consuming certain foods or drinks.

Understanding Calories in Simple Terms:
  1. Energy from Food:

    • When you eat or drink something, your body breaks it down and converts it into energy. This energy is measured in calories. For example, if a slice of bread has 80 calories, it means that eating it gives your body 80 units of energy to use for various activities, like walking, thinking, or even just breathing.
  2. Calories vs. Kilocalories:

    • Technically, when we talk about "calories" in food, we are actually referring to kilocalories (kcal). One kilocalorie is equal to 1,000 calories. However, in everyday language, we just say "calories" when we really mean kilocalories. So, when you see that something has 200 calories, it actually contains 200 kilocalories, or 200,000 regular calories.
  3. Using Calories:

    • Your body uses calories as fuel. The more physically active you are, the more calories you need. If you eat more calories than your body needs, the excess is stored as fat. If you eat fewer calories than your body uses, you may lose weight because your body starts using stored fat for energy.
Everyday Examples:
  • Apple: A medium-sized apple has about 95 calories. This means eating the apple provides your body with 95 units of energy.
  • Running: If you run for 30 minutes, you might burn around 300 calories, depending on your weight and speed.
Key Points:
  • Energy Measurement: Calories measure how much energy food or drink provides.
  • Balance: It’s important to balance the calories you consume with the calories you use to maintain a healthy weight.

In summary, a calorie is a way to measure the energy your body gets from food and drinks. It helps you understand how much fuel you're giving your body and how much you need to stay healthy and active.

List of Energy conversion units
Joule Kilojoule Calorie Kilocalorie KilowattHour British thermal unit Erg Foot pound Electron volt Decielectron volt Centielectron volt Millielectron volt Microelectron volt Nanoelectron volt Picoelectron volt Femtoelectron volt Attoelectron volt Zeptoelectron volt Yoctoelectron volt Decaelectron volt Hectoelectron volt Kiloelectron volt Megaelectron volt Gigaelectron volt Teraelectron volt Petaelectron volt Exaelectron volt Zettaelectron volt Yottaelectron volt